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Al's Bar Golf Society Rules

Vilamoura - Algarve - Portugal

Vilamouras Premier Sports Bar and Golf Society days

Al's Bar Golf Society Rules:

  • Only Members are eligible to win the ‘main’ days competition ( This is because the Society operates a handicap system which is adjusted based on play within the Society - see below).
  • Guests play in a ‘separate competition’ with a ‘separate prize pot’ which involves all participating guests on the day.
  • Both Member and Guest categories of player are eligible to win Nearest the Pin, Nearest the Pin in Two and Longest Drive prizes. Additionally, if there is a team event, Guests who play in the winning team will, along with their team members, win the prize.

Financial Considerations:

  • To join the Society involves a ‘one off’ payment of 40 Euros. It is the intention that once the joining fee is paid life membership is granted.
  • In addition to the Green Fees for the day, at each event additional charges ( currently 5 euros for members and 10 euros for Guests ) apply. - these fees cover running costs including prizes etc>

Competition Details:

  • Unless otherwise advised, events will be individual Stableford competitions played off full Society handicaps. - Any change or different format will be detailed on the website.
  • Team events, eg The SWIPE Cup played in September will be Stableford with the best two scores per hole to count.
  • Order of Play / Groupings for the day will be determined on the Monday before the event. The information will be available from 9:00 pm in Al’s bar the same evening. The information will also be posted on the website by Tuesday evening.
  • completed and signed scorecards are to be handed to the Event organiser as soon as the Round is completed but certainly BEFORE leaving the Course
  • The presentation of prizes will take place in Al’s bar on the evening of the event. Players will be advised the time before leaving the Course.

Booking Events:

  • ALL booking must be made via the website using the appropriate event form.>> There is a facility in Al’s bar to enable ‘online sign up’.
  • Members and Guests can sign up in this way, at any time.
  • Prompt / early sign up is advised and a reserve list will be maintained once an event is full.


  • Cancellations are rare but sometimes unavoidable. They must be made at the earliest possible time to facilitate arranging a replacement. Where cancellation>> takes place within 48 hours of an event and it is not possible to find a replacement this MAY result in the person cancelling being required to pay the Green Fee for the day - this will depend entirely on whether the Course booked for the event insists on full payment.


New members will play their first event using their Club Handicap. New members are not eligible to win their first event but will be included in the Guest ‘pool’ for that day.

Adjustments to handicaps are made after each event as follows:

Handicap Winner 2nd 3rd Last
Cat 1: 0-9 -1.0 -0.5 -0.2 +0.5
Cat 2: 10-19 -2.0 -1.0 -0.5 +1.0
Cat 3: 20+ -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 +1.5

Additionally, Every six months a ‘general review’ will be undertaken by a panel comprising the Captain, The Organiser and one additional Member. This panel will consider performance in Society Days over the previous six months relative to the field. Any handicap changes ( + or - ) following these reviews will be recorded on the website.

A member may request a review of his / her handicap at any time ( but not more than once a year). The ‘Handicap Panel’ as detailed above, will consider that request based upon the individuals performance relative to the field in, at least, their last four events.

In the event of a dispute of any kind whatsoever the Captain's decision of the resolution on the matter will be fully binding and non negotiable. - there is no further appeals process.